Zomeworks High Wind Kit

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Zomeworks High Wind Kit

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Zomeworks High Wind Kit

ZW-2003 High Wind Kit

The High Wind Upgrade Kit is recommended for stabilizing the tracker in areas where there are frequent high winds. This kit can be ordered with your tracker or purchased later as an add-on. The High Wind Upgrade Kit consists of an additional set of ZW-2003 shock absorbers, a T-Bar for mounting the shock absorbers and a bumper bolt to protect the shock absorbers from the tracker rails. The High Wind Upgrade Kit is only available for the larger Track Racks. Please provide tracker serial number and model number for proper sizing and hardware. F-series trackers made prior to the spring of 2003 need the T-bar for mounting

With the exception of the UTR-020 and the UTRF-168, all of the Zomeworks Tracking Racks are designed to accommodate an optional high wind kit, which consists of either an additional shock or a kit consisting of a shock mounting arm and (2) additional shock absorbers. On the UTRK-040, UTRF-090, and UTRF-120 the rack can be adjusted through its full range of seasonal adjustment. On the UTRF-064 however, due to it's smaller size and reduced clearance, the installation of the high wind kit will prevent the use of the top two seasonal adjustment positions corresponding to adjustment angles of 35 and 44 degrees (from horizontal). Please keep this in mind when advising on the use of a high wind kit on the UTRF-064. Due to the smaller surface area of the UTRF-064, the lower total height, and the heavy-duty construction, the use of a high wind kit will not be necessary in most circumstances.

Note: Specifications and pricing of the Zomeworks High Wind Kit subject to change without notice. Illustrations and descriptions of the Zomeworks HighWindKit do not claim to be complete or exhaustive.

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